Women’s Health

Women’s Health Team - BIHC

Belleville Integrative Health Centre is proud to introduce its Women’s Health Team.

The Women’s Health Team’s mission is to improve the overall health of our community by providing a specialized and multi-disciplinary team of practitioners who have extensive training and education in the field of women’s health.

Our patient-centered and evidence-based approach brings together the knowledge and expertise of our chiropractors and physiotherapists to focus on your health.

The team works extensively with family doctors, urologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, doulas, midwives and trainers to ensure treatment plans are well informed, comprehensive and personalized to meet the distinct individual needs of each of our patients.

We offer treatment in the following areas:

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction, including pelvic pain & urinary incontinence
  • Pre and post-partum muscle, joint & spinal pain
  • Post-mastectomy scar treatment & rehabilitation
  • Post-hysterectomy/abdominal surgery scar treatment
  • Diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation) rehabilitation
  • Pediatric care for torticollis & breastfeeding challenges
  • Pre-conception and post-natal health

Services include: